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From Camera to Stories
There are four units in the Camera to Story application, which records important events in the history of cinema, describes the technical features of the cameras that direct the sector and the films shot with these cameras. Holosonics point speakers used in these units offer a unique experience with audio narration that you can only hear while in front of the unit.
Çapa 1
There are four units in the Camera to Story application, which records important events in the history of cinema, describes the technical features of the cameras that direct the sector and the films shot with these cameras. Holosonics point speakers used in these units offer a unique experience with audio narration that you can only hear while in front of the unit.
In these units, which have Bell & Howell, Pathe, Super 8 and Arriflex cameras, you can explore the cameras from history to the present with an interactive information system.
Application Properties
Touch screen
Directional sound system
Site-specific unit and interface design
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